Wednesday, June 25, 2008


The premise is simple: female coming of age tale with a biting twist. Dawn is an advocate of the abstinence movement until her interest is piqued in the opposite sex. A few moments of self exploration later, Dawn discovers she's not like other girls. No, it's not a matter that can be fixed by labiaplasty. Dawn has teeth - down there.

I love this movie. Yes, it has a couple of flaws. It finishes without a satisfying ending and all of the men bar one are total bastards but it's about time the ladies bit back. How often are women used in films as props? Women are raped, killed, abused and attacked at a far greater rate than men. I'm impressed that we get a shot in this black comedy. 

There are some images that have never before been shown in films and the boys will squeal and say they don't ever need to be shown. I disagree. It's considered a dramatic tool in the plot of a movie for a woman to be sexually abused or threatened so why not show a severed penis?  

Visit the website I have to admit that I thought this was plausible until I did a search for the gyno's hospital. Clever marketing.

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